"Pandemic: Care for those who die at home."
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Cool Spring
Natural Cemetery


Berryville, Virginia

Foxfield Preserve


Wilmot, Ohio

Ramsey Creek Preserve


Westminster, SC

Joshua Tree Memorial Park

PHOTO: Kasey Scott

Joshua Tree, CA

What is green burial?
(And why it matters.)

Green (or natural) burial is a return to burial practices that accomplish the task of a respectful disposition of our dead without undue burden on the living.

Green Burial Project seeks to educate the public about the benefits to families and the earth of a kinder way of death care. Green (or natural) burial is a way of caring for the dead with minimal environmental impact that aids in:

  • The conservation of natural resources
  • Reduction of carbon emissions
  • Protection of worker health
  • Restoration and / or preservation of habitat

Green burial necessitates the use of non-toxic and biodegradable materials, such as caskets, shrouds, and urns. (Source: greenburialcouncil.org)

What does this mean in practical terms?

  • No embalming
  • No burial vaults or liners
  • No impervious containers

Here, you will find history, stories, definitions, emerging ideas, and opinions. We hope that your notions about death care will be challenged, that you will understand that you probably have more rights than you imagine, and that armed with new information, you will strive to align your final choices with your appreciation of our natural environment.

Carry on, 

Anne Weston
Founder, Green Burial Project

“Looking mortality straight in the eye is no easy feat. To avoid the exercise, we choose to stay blindfolded, in the dark as to the realities of death and dying. But ignorance is not bliss, only a deeper kind of terror.”

caitlyn Doughty, mortician
Smoke Gets in your eyes, p. ix